Appointment Policy
We have a zero-tolerance policy for hatred of any kind, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, xenophobia, or ableism. If we identify any of this behaviour during your appointment, we will ask you to stop and/or ask you to leave the premises immediately. A refund will not be issued in these circumstances.
Cancel for free up to twenty-four hours before your appointment, otherwise you can be charged 30% of the service price for late cancellation or 50% for not showing up.
Those who fail to show within 15 minutes of the start of their appointment will be marked in the booking system as a ‘no-show’ and will result in a charge equal to 50% of the appointment fee. Clients may be prevented from booking future appointments online after repeated no-shows.
Medical history information, consent, and before photos must be taken for all medical-grade services provided. Photos will not be shared publicly unless consent has been explicitly given by the guest.